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Feet On The Ground Reflexology

for Relaxation, Stress Relief & General Well Being
Call 07870 506647 or email:











With over 30 years experience working as a Reflexologist in Scotland, Kent

and London, I have witnessed the powerful benefits that Reflexology can have.

Now working primarily in West Kent/East Sussex, I offer a highly individualized mobile service to you in the comfort and privacy of your home, using your sofa, chair or bed. 

This provides you with an opportunity to prolong the benefit of the treatment without having to rush off afterwards. Being able to wear loose comfortable clothing 

is also conducive to a more effective and relaxing treatment.





​for groups of  3-5

£40 pp*

A great women's alternative get together



Couples treatments very popular





Why not treat someone to a Reflexology session?

(Makes a lovely present)


(*Mileage costs additional if greater than 10 miles from Tunbridge Wells)





You probably know that you need to relax more,

but are you deliberately making space for this in your life?

Feelings of being hurried or stressed; headaches, digestive disorders, insomnia, backaches, allergies, injuries, infertility, menstrual and hormonal imbalances,

are amongst a whole host of conditions indicating that we have an imbalance

in the mind, body or in our emotions. 


If we ignore these early signs, we often end up dealing with more

chronic conditions and this in itself can lead to even more stress!


Learning how to let go and relax is key to a more joyful and efficient life.



Reflexology is a holistic treatment primarily working on the feet.

The principle behind Reflexology states that organs, glands and other body parts have a corresponding reflex point on the feet and that any congestion or tension  within the body can be reflected on the feet themselves.

The application of pressure and massage to these reflex points on the feet stimulates the flow of energy, blood, nutrients and nerve impulses through energy channels in the body and also encourages toxins to be eliminated.

A good physical, mental and emotional energy flow within the body is vital

for a healthy life but imbalances in any of these areas can significantly

affect this flow and are evidenced on one end of the scale as someone

feeling ‘over stimulated’ – not being able to switch off, whilst on the other

end of the scale, feeling lethargic and sluggish with no ‘get up and go’.


These are signs of imbalance and stress in the body. The beauty of Reflexology

is that it gently but sometimes powerfully allows the body to find its own natural equilibrium and return the body to a more balanced state of being.

It is a whole body treatment simply by working on the feet!

Reflexology Therapy


So many people talk about stress;  feel it, live with it, assuming this is a normal part of living in the 21st century.  Yet how many people actually look at it and seek ways to understand and/or reduce it? A stress response is a natural built- in mechanism in our wondrous bodies but it is essentially designed for mental alertness and action in times of attention, demand or even danger.


What is unnatural however, is when this stress response is not turned off. When stress is present in the body, hormones are released to assist us but when these very same hormones are not turned off, this response leads to all sorts of

ill-feelings in the Mind, Body & Emotions.

Reflexology is one tool that can help the body to re-balance itself in a very relaxing and gentle though oftentimes, powerful way. By assisting the body to come into a state of relaxation, the treatment allows it to find its own equilibrium in a highly individual way for each person.


A typical treatment usually leaves the client in a tangibly more relaxed, grounded and clearer state. Effective decision making, inspired action, a sense of calm and happiness are the result of a well balanced body and mind and emotions..

In addition to helping with many health conditions, Reflexology can also be used for preventative health care.



Many aspects of modern life including long hours spent indoors; exposure to Electromagnetic frequencies from the vast amount of computers, mobile phones and other devices; poor diets, lack of exercise, mental overstimulation and emotional imbalances can result in a serious disconnection from the natural healing forces of Nature.


Wearing shoes for much of the time can add to this and as increasing research is suggesting; we are essentially electrical beings and just like the gadgets in our homes, we need to be grounded.  One way to do this is to have bare feet connection with the Earth. Another way is to have Reflexology!


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Evidence of Reflexology can be found throughout many cultures including the Egyptians, Native American Indians, the Chinese and the Tibetans.

It was ‘re- discovered’ in the early part of the twentieth century by an Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist in the United States, Dr William H Fitzgerald who developed what was known then as ‘Zone therapy’ and his pioneering work lead to many other people developing and building upon his findings. One such person was Eunice Ingham who in the 1930s concentrated on reflexes found in the feet. 

She chartered corresponding areas of the feet with the anatomy of the body

and was the person who coined the term Reflexology.

Reflexology was introduced to Great Britain during the 1960’s by Doreen Bayley who studied with Eunice Ingham in America.  She established the Bayley School

of Reflexology. A student of Doreen Bayley was Jane Vucovich and it is with her that I trained at the Churchill Centre, Marble Arch in 1986.

Reflexology is now being practiced all over the world and being enjoyed by thousands of happy feet!

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